Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Inflight Practice Shot...Again...

It's been a while since I last blogged...
April 2010 to be precised...
Hhhmmm...if that could aptly described 'a while'...:D

It was a day after Christmas...
Hubby was early to rise...
I was also early to wake but I refused to rise...
My lazy bone ruled that morning...

The moment I woke up, hubby asked me if I wanted to follow him to look for the Tufted Duck...
Our friend Jay is already at the pond looking for them he told me...
Being away from birding for a long period, and with no apparent plan for the day, what better way to waste the day off...
And a good opportunity to test my new assault weapon...
the 7D...courtesy of Mr J...:D

I was quite disappointed tho...
The Tufted Duck decided not to grant me with an audience...
And the sun...oh my...the sun was unmercifully bright and blinding...
The heat from the asphalt road was unforgiving...
And the pesky mosquitoes are most unwanted...

I was standing in front of Jay, squinting my eyes through the heat...
He was looking through his bino when I noticed a shadow on the water...
I looked up and thought it was the Egret...
But it's a bit small, was what I thought...
I kept on taking my eyes off the eye piece just to locate the flying bird...
Then I heard Jay said...'wow, it's the tern'...
I gunned the shutter button furiously then...
The tern was circling away crazily...it was feeding on the insects on the pond's surface...
I kept on gunning the shutter button until I felt I could not pressed it any more...
I thought there's something wrong with my camera...
I thought I have maxed out the CF card...
Then I heard Jay said...'push your ISO'...he must have noticed that I am not clicking anymore...

It's not easy...hubby said...shooting white object...
The camera got confused...Jay added...
Phewwww...what a mightly relief that was to me...
It was not the camera at fault after all...
It was my limited technology knowhow...:D

Some of my shots of the Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida)...

I'm taking a liking to it you know...
Taking inflight shots...
All I have to do is practice...
Practice makes perfect...
That's what hubby always told me...
He walks the talk...
His work says it all...
Nothing but the best for him...
Nothing but the best for a perfectionist...


Jason Bugay Reyes said...

Hehehehe nice series sis even though the Tern was a bit far most of the time that day :)