It was way way past 5.45pm...
Self : Dui...kenapa bos tu ndada perasaan mau pulang...
Aines : Ya kenapa tu...
Self : Ndak kan dia mau aku kasi siap juga sekarang...aku shutdown suda...ndak buli suda aku kerja ni...betul2 ndak tahan...
After a while...
Boss : Ton...bole siap ka...
Self : Bole bos...I buat di rumah...
Boss : Ok good...
Much as I hate it, I have to do it at home...submission dateline is tomorrow...
I was not in the best of health...
I could hardly bring myself up this morning...
I was aching all over the body...
Block nose...runny nose...spinning head...aching back...blister in the mouth...the list just go on and on...
I desperately need to lie down...
It was already dark when we adjourned from the office...
I dragged myself to Giant...remembered that I need to buy rice...
It was drizzling...well, just great...just what I need to further worsen this uninvited ailment...
When I reached home, I had a surprise...the kids were waiting for me...
Kakak : Mummy cakap mummy sakit...kenapa ndak ambil cuti...
Self : Sakit la ba ni...banyak betul kerja mummy...ada lagi mau buat malam ni...
Kakak : Apa mummy mau makan...
Self : Kakak masak saja la apa2...
I was tremendously touched by their gesture...all of them took the groceries away...Adek did not say anything...she just hugged me...
While waiting for Kakak to finish cooking, I started to blog...a measly attempt to loosen up those tired and sleepy body muscles...
Alli : Mummy pinjam laptop mummy sekejap...
Self : Ala ndak bole...mummy ada homework ni...
Alli : Tapi mummy blogging ni...
Self : Sekejap saja ni...mummy betul2 ada homework...tinguk dalam envelope tu...
So, here I am...
Waiting for dinner time...
Trying very hard not to surrender to that devilish whisper in my ears...
...tidur...tidur...besok ja buat...kalau sakit buat la gaya sakit..
Ohhhh...the temptation... ...why oh why did you decide to come home with me tonight...
Ok people...
...brain, hands, fingers, eyes...
...ready or not...
let's do this...
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