Wednesday, December 9, 2009

3, 2 ,1...Action...

My 'got landslide at Ranau' was answered with 'one lane is still passable' by hubby. One could hardly deny his enthusiasm when it comes to birding. And I was not expecting any less from him.

Saturday, 5 December 2009...

Hubby : Called Alphon, asked him where the landslide is...

Self : (on the phone)...where's the landslide...
Alphon : ...about 3 kilometres from the junction to Kota Belud...
Self : Where are you now...
Alphon : Bundu's raining and foggy...

Hmmm...that is not a good sign. Not a good sign at all. A definite no no for photography.

In anticipation to the landslide and also a warning from Alphon pertaining to traffic congestion nearing the landslide site, we departed early from Tuaran than usual. Even the canteen has not opened when we arrived. It was drizzling and the dreaded thick fog did not seem to want to go away any sooner.

We were having our breakfast when we heard loud bird sound...

Self : Magpie or the treepie...
Hubby : Magpie...
Self : They sounded very near...
Hubby : Yeah...
Alphon : Sometimes they are not that near...they sounded near as they are very loud...

While hubby and Alphon was dilly dallying, I finished my Maggi quickly and rushed behind the hall. I was thinking that maybe, just maybe the magpies are nearby as they are just too loud. I held up my head all the time, trying to locate the sound. They sounded just too close for comfort. The fog was of no help at all and I have to squint my eyes harder for clearer vision.

Then I caught a movement from up high. I saw a pair of them sort of fighting each other off. I quickly aimed my camera and started gunning the shutter button.

With my forefinger pressing down hard on the shutter button, I yelled at the top of my lungs for hubby and Alphon, my voice echoing around the park...

Self : Hurry up, hurry up...there's two of them...they're eating something...
Self : Hurryyyyy uppppppp...not two...there's four of them...

As expected the images are not of the high quality ones, didn't even come close. But I enjoyed myself nonetheless as it is not always everyday that one would came across the opportunities watching the antics of the feathered ones.

Short-tailed Magpie (Cissa thalassina)

...saw a pair of them...they had their back on me...

...I still could not make out what they're up to...

...a tug of war ensued...I thought it was a snake...

...until I saw the claw...I think it was a gecko...

...survival of the fittest...

...the agony of defeat...I think...for now...


Thursday, December 3, 2009

His and hers...

21 November 2009.
A date that was eagerly awaited.
The Saturday that we impatiently looked forward to.

Ever since we got word of it, there was not a single day that we did not talk about it. We were like kids waiting to open our presents on Christmas day. We could not wait for each day to end. We could not wait for each day to start.

Upon reaching KNP...

Self : Ohhh (disappointed)...he's not here yet...did you call him...
Hubby : No, I just SMS him...

We were waiting for our good buddy Mr Alphonsus Loinsang.
The bearer of the good news.
The person responsible for delivering the 'package'.

...Alphonsus Loinsang a.k.a the Beastmaster...

Saturday, 21 November 2009, is the day Aphon personally delivered to hubby his new toy...
...his new toy to play with during our photography excursion...
...his new 'assault weapon'...

...Canon EOS 7D...

Saturday, 21 November 2009, is also the day I received my new toy... new 'assault weapon'...
...the hands-me-down from hubby...

...Canon EOS 40D...

...two good buddies...two different gadgets...

...the Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher captured with 40D...

I have yet to hear any complaints from hubby on his new acquisition. Despite the negative and unfriendly reviews that were thrown at the EOS 7D, hubby was very optimistic towards it. I was not surprised at all at his decision knowing full well that he is one who loves to go against the flow of things. Against all odds, I believed he wanted to prove his unfaltering confidence in the brand. So far, it has not failed him yet.

I could not say the same about me tho. Still complaining. Still grumbling. "I need to get a lense like yours...mine is slowing me down"...repeated over and over again to which hubby would only nodded his agreement.

Was I in for a surprise on our way home 2 nights ago...

Hubby : I think you should get 7D in the 40D...
Self : (not blinking...not answering)...
Hubby : What say you...
Self : (swallowing saliva)...10K!!!!!...awww...that hurts...

I'm scratching a non-existing itch on my head as we talked. I started to stare unblinkingly at the dark long road to home. Temptation aside, I have to be realistic tho. But not before wishing that money would drop from the sky at that very instant. I would have to make do with what my financial limit permits me. Let me just sleep on it this year. Next year might be a different matter altogether.

So, in the mean time...

this his and hers...
has pleased him and her...
they are content with their thingamajiggys...

this his and hers...
has eluded the allure of the 'dark side'...

coz this his and hers...
has been delighting him and her...