Monday, November 10, 2008

Giojo and Joshua Pudin's birthday party...

Skyped with Ron on 31st Oct...

Self : cuba cita sikit apa fav character bebudak tu...pening I mo mencari bahan yang mau dibawa...
Ron : BEN 10
Self : Dua2...
Ron : Dua dua pun gila Ben 10...

Ben 10 it is then...
Searched high and low that luck...
Searched high and low the following day with

The party started off at 3 pm onwards...
Kakak and Adek decided to stay behind...Adek was not feeling well...
...ada magic show, I told them...
...ndak apa la, they said...
Alli on the other hand was roaring to go...

Alli, Joshua and Giojo greeting Banana...

...Giojo Pudin...

Joshua Pudin...

...kenapa tu Josh...kena marah big brother kali...

...the main attraction of the party...Apple and Banana...

, me, me, Alli said...kept holding his ballon up...takut kena potong queue...

...Giojo and Alli tunggu giliran...

...terkezut I bila si Bob...oops si Apple...suddenly berlutut and started posing for the camera...

...started to shoot mummy down with his machine gun...belum puas lagi...use the sword to chop mummy lagi...

...happy betul si Josh with his sword...

...getting ready for the magic show...

...Giojo holding up his hand to answer a question and answer session prior to the magic show...sadly to say my last photo before my batt went kaput...

...everybody was dog tired I believed...
...everybody was happy with the outcome I am sure...

So, mummy and daddy Pudin rewarded themselves...
...a day trip to the Crocker Range the next day...
...a day trip with mummy and daddy Sitorus...
...a day trip with the beastmaster...
...a day trip to be told at a later date...


Ron said...
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Ron said...

nice pics... we did have fun, did we? ;)

Zaiton Yunus said... I know how difficult it is to photo we had, that's for sure...